G20 want to make digital health passports a prerequisite for freedom of travel in the long term

As was to be expected and as predicted several times in this blog, digital health passports are to become a permanent feature as a prerequisite for international travel. This was decided by the heads of government of the 20 economically strongest countries (G20) at their summit in Bali. In the long term, this is likely to result in the US government, together with the US IT companies, becoming a global super passport authority.

According to the Bali declaration of the G20 heads of state and government, adopted at their meeting on November 15 and 16, 2022, digital vaccination certificates should be used internationally on a permanent basis to enforce restrictions on freedom of movement and travel. Point 23 of the Statement states:

“We recognize the importance of common technical standards and methodologies of IHR (2005) [IHR = International Health Regulations] confirmation to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability and acceptance of digital and non-digital solutions, including in relation to vaccination records. We support the ongoing international dialogue and international cooperation in building Strengthening the prevention of future pandemics and combating them; the successful existing standards and digital COVID19 vaccination certificates should be used profitably and as a basis.”

And under point 47 it says:

"We recognize that fostering safe global mobility and connectivity and seamless travel in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is critical to enabling a tourism industry resurgence."

What “safe worldwide mobility” and “seamless travel” stand for, the latter a term I have only come across in connection with Known Traveler Digital Identity (see below), was defined by the Minister of Health of the G20 Presidency of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin , clarified in Bali:

"Let's have a digital health certificate, recognized by the WHO: If you've been vaccinated or tested correctly, then you can travel. (...) We will propose this at the next World Health Assembly in Geneva as a reform of the International Health Regulations.”

The Federal Government in Germany has approved the Bali Declaration. With that comes a promise to support it. It does not have a parliamentary mandate to do so. Because the G20, despite the highly official participation and the strong binding effect of its resolutions, is considered an informal club without decision-making powers, no parliament has to approve these resolutions retrospectively.

Who sets the standards

Work on the WHO guidelines for the digital vaccination card was funded by the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Together with the World Economic Forum, these two foundations, which have enormous financial strength, finance and operate a whole series of projects and initiatives such as ID2020 and Known Traveler Digital Identity and Common Pass in order to create a centrally accessible database with biometric-digital identities of all people on earth and to use them for as many people as possible to enforce access for many activities. Even before Corona, mass vaccination programs were used specifically to promote digital identities, especially in developing countries.

The Rockefeller Foundation already wrote in a position paper on pandemic strategy published in April 2020:

“A globally uniform identification number for everyone is to be introduced under the name unique patient identification number. Infection status must be known for participation in many social activities.”

It is the large US IT corporations, together with the US government, that are driving the enforcement of global biometric-digital identities. They are also the only ones who can expect almost global access to the networked database that is being created. It's a system that the US health authorities announced long ago that there was no longer any reason to differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people and that the President had declared the pandemic over and still a vaccination card with proof of Covid vaccination for entry is required.

The initiatives for globally uniform identities and vaccination cards repeatedly mention that the standardized health cards should be able to be supplemented at any time with additional features that the border authorities consider interesting. By requiring relevant information for entry into the US and then forcing the EU to follow suit, the US authorities can effectively make an enhanced health passport, with details of their choosing, a standard global travel document and make themselves the world passport authority.
