The "climate stickers" that stick to German roads receive a salary from a US organization. "You could see it that way," confirmed the full-time blocker Maja Winkelmann in front of an RBB television camera.
The "Climate Emergency Fund" finances the blockades and the blockers, said the 24-year-old. She is regularly involved in glue campaigns. Recently she even glued herself to the Quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate. According to her own statements, the professional demonstrator from the "Last Generation" comes from a small village in the Allgäu.
Paid $3.5 million
She did not say how high the salary is that she receives for her blockades. By the end of September, the US organization, which includes members of the family of the late oil billionaire Getty, had paid $3.5 million to various organizations. It is not known how many of these went to the “Last Generation”. Aileen Getty hailed attacks on artworks around the world. The Climate Emergency Fund also pays for this.
In the same RBB program, the Berlin chairman of the German police union, Bodo Pfalzgraf, said that his colleagues had already "spent 130,000 emergency service hours" in the capital alone since the beginning of the year to end the blockades. As a result, the fight against clan and everyday crime falls by the wayside. Berlin's police chief recently made a similar statement. An entrepreneur also reported on the economic damage caused by the "last generation".
Germans reject “climate glue”.
In the Berlin Natural History Museum, from where the program "We have to talk!" was broadcast, an overwhelming majority of the audience spoke out in favor of the blockades. TV viewers saw it differently. They rejected the actions to 78 percent. In a representative survey across Germany, as many as 86 percent spoke out against the climate stickers.
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